Monday 8 June 2009

World Radio - an online ham radio magazine

They say that you can't get something for nothing, but that's not quite true. In this recession many magazines are struggling as advertisers look to their budgets.

The UK's "Monitoring Monthly" has folded, which is a great shame as it had some very interesting features. The editor Kevin Nice deserves a round of applause for having the guts to start the publication in the first place and I will miss it.

However, in the US someone has thought long and hard about this and has come up with the solution. If the biggest cost in a mazgazine is the print and distribution costs, why not make it an online publication - and make it free too!

The result is World Radio Online and do you know what? It is actually very good - and it doesn't cost a penny (or cent!)

Heres a sample from the current issue:
  • USHAGAT: - a Low Budget DXpedition to Alaska
  • VERTICAL TALES: Adding 17-Meters to a Hustler 6-BTV
  • FISTS CW Club: An 11-Year Old’s View of Amateur Radio
  • 10-10 INTERNATIONAL: Investment Strategy
  • TRAIL-FRIENDLY RADIO: Plenty of ‘Enhanced’ Audio to Overcome Nature’s Soundtrack
  • PROPAGATION: Changes in the Earth’s Magnetic Field
  • AMATEUR SATELLITES: International Amateur Satellite News
  • AERIALS: Antenna Efficiency

Take a look. I guess the more people subscribe the more advertisers will back it.

Go to and click on the WORLDRADIO link at the top left corner of the page.


  1. It does look very good, though for me sitting at a desk reading a computer screen will never replace sitting in an armchair reading a book or print magazine.

  2. This magazine is excellent it has provided each & every tips on online ham radio.
